Church at Carmel
Ellicott City, Maryland, USA

Our Vision
The church which is the body of Christ is a living organism and not a mere organization. It is formed by the gathering together of born again believers in a given locality as the "Lord adds to the church such as should be saved". It functions under the Headship and Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ as believers gather together steadfastly for worship, breaking of bread, studying the Word of God, fellowship and prayers (Acts 2:42) thereby to show forth His fullness, unity, love, wisdom and power.
God seeks true worshipppers who worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). Therefore, sufficient time is allocated for individual worship before the observance of Lord's table every Sunday.
Witnessing and gospel outreach activity is constantly carried out in the surrounding areas.
Our Mission
To witness the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and bring many souls into the kingdom of God.
To shepherd and build up believers in the faith and facilitate their growth in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through various ministries of the church.
To prepare the church for the glorious appearing (Second Coming) of the Lord Jesus Christ.